20 June 2016

Griffon 2.7.0 Release Notes


The following dependencies have been upgraded

  • org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.7

  • com.google.inject:guice:4.1.0

  • org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.21

  • org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j:1.7.21

  • org.groovyfx:groovyfx:8.0.0

  • org.testfx:testfx-core:4.0.4-alpha


MetaComponent Factories

In the last major version of Griffon (1.x) it’s was possible to create and inject an MVCGroup instance inside a Groovy View as if it were just another builder node. This feature is known as metaComponent. Sadly this support was not working properly until Griffon 2.7.0 fixed the problem. Now you can use metaComponent as expected.


Gradle 2.12+ Support

Previous versions of the griffon-gradle plugin did not work with Gradle 2.12 or newer due to some changes introduced in that particular version of Gradle on how dependencies can be managed. Griffon 2.7.0 fixes this problem, now the plugin can be used with the latest Gradle versions.

Kotlin Project Template

There’s a new lazybones project template that targets JavaFX and Kotlin as main language. The name of this template is griffon-javafx-kotlin.


Full binary compatibility report between Griffon 2.7.0 and 2.6.0 can be found here.

A list of fixed issues can be found at the 2.7.0 milestone page.